Drude weight increase by orbital and repulsive interactions in
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A. Haller, M. Rizzi, M. Filippone |
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Charge and statistics of lattice quasiholes from density
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Renormalization group flows for Wilson-Hubbard matter and the
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Quantum criticality on a chiral ladder: an SU(2) iDMRG study |
Philipp Schmoll, Andreas Haller, Matteo Rizzi, Roman Orus |
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Topological Devil’s staircase in atomic two-leg ladders |
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A tensor network annealing algorithm for two-dimensional thermal
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The Tensor Networks Anthology: Simulation techniques for many-
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P. Silvi, F. Tschirsich, M. Gerster, J. Jünemann, D. Jaschke, M. Rizzi,
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